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Favorite Supplements
Coaching Client Intake
Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Contact Email
Select an Address
Spouse / Significant Other's name
Pet's names
Business Information
Business Name
Business Address
Do you have a registered LLC/ S-Corp / C-Corp, etc? Or do we need to set one up?
Website Information
Do you currently have domain ( ex. , if so, what is it? and where is it hosted? If NOT, What would you ideally like it be (if not taken)
If you currently have a website, what platform is it on? (ex. GoDaddy, SquareSpace, etc)
If you currently have a domain, or when we set up your domain, do you want/have a "professional email",( ex. or what is your preferred email address? (We will use this email to set you up in Slack, Trello, and WIX.)
Social Media Information
FB Community Link (if applies and if you want it on site)- Use this to build out ALL FB Onboardng (Intake, welcome, education course, etc)
Facebook PERSONAL Link (if applies and if you want it on site)
Facebook BUSINESS Link (if applies)
Instagram PERSONAL Link
Instagram BUSINESS Link (if applies and if you want it on site)
TikTok PERSONAL Link (if applies and if you want it on site)
Pinterest PERSONAL Link (if applies and if you want it on site)
Any additional Social media platforms that you want on your site (please include your links)
Do you currently use some sort of scheduling program? (Calendly, Acuity are very common) If so, What is you user name / login?
Do you use canva? If so can you please add me to you team (, and add me to all of the items in your team that you think I will need access to. E-books, logos, guides, branding items, etc.
Do you currently use some sort of CRM (Customer relations management) system? Some common ones are Acuity, HubSpot, etc. If so, What are the username/logins?
Do you currently coach through an app such as trainerize, practice better playbook etc?
Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon!
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